C++ API for the Simple Directmedia Library 2 (SDL2)
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NrolmodlMain namespace
 NblendModerolmodl::BlendMode methods
 NunsafeUnsafe rolmodl::BlendMode methods
 NdetailImplementation details
 NgeomGeometry structures
 NpixelfmtPixel format management members
 Nrenrolmodl::Ren -related members
 NdriverRenderer driver information functions
 NsysSystem information functions and enums
 NclipboardClipboard functions
 NcpuCPU information functions
 NunsafeUnsafe display mode information functions
 NunsafeUnsafe display information functions
 NdriverVideo driver functions
 NpwrPower state functions and enums
 NscreensaverScreensaver functions
 Nwinrolmodl::Win -related members