C++ API for the Simple Directmedia Library 2 (SDL2)
►Crolmodl::mouse::detail::BaseState | |
Crolmodl::BorderSizes | Window decoration (border) sizes snapshot |
Crolmodl::mouse::BtnState | |
Crolmodl::mouse::Cursor | |
Crolmodl::sys::Display | Display information snapshot |
Crolmodl::sys::DisplayMode | Display mode parameter plain old struct |
►Cstd::exception [external] | |
Crolmodl::win::Flags | Window configuration (flags) container |
Crolmodl::ren::Flags | Renderer configuration (flags) container |
Crolmodl::Flip | Rendering flip configuration container |
Crolmodl::HatState | |
Crolmodl::ren::Info | Information about a rendering driver |
Crolmodl::Keysym | |
Crolmodl::kb::key::Name | |
Crolmodl::pixelfmt::PixelFmtStorage | PixelFormat storage to avoid allocating a new instance for every use |
Crolmodl::geom::Pos | int point data type. The value is in pixels. Semantically different from rolmodl::geom::Size |
►Crolmodl::geom::RectWH | Rectangle represented by its top left corner coordinates, width, and height |
►Crolmodl::geom::RectXY | Rectangle represented by its top left corner coordinates and its bottom right corner coordinates |
►Crolmodl::Ren | Renderer class that does not support rendering to texture. Use rolmodl::TexRen for rendering to texture support |
Crolmodl::RenScale | Rendering scaling factors |
►Crolmodl::RGB | RGB color type. No alpha component |
Crolmodl::SDLString | Container for SDL-owned strings that must be freed with SDL_free |
Crolmodl::geom::Size | int dimensions data type. The value is in pixels. Semantically different from rolmodl::geom::Pos |
Crolmodl::kb::State | |
Crolmodl::sys::pwr::Status | System power status snapshot |
►Crolmodl::SWTex_Base | |
Crolmodl::SWTex_RLELock | |
►Crolmodl::Tex | |
Crolmodl::TexLock | |
Crolmodl::TextureInfo | |
►Crolmodl::event::Timestamped | |
►Crolmodl::Win_Base | Common window class. Use rolmodl::Win for use with accelerated rendering (rolmodl::Ren) and rolmodl::Win_SW for use with software rendering (rolmodl::SWTex) |
►Crolmodl::event::WindowSpecific | |
Crolmodl::geom::XYFloats | float point data type. Used by touch events |
Crolmodl::geom::XYInt32 | int32 point data type. The value is in pixels. Used by mouse events |