C++ API for the Simple Directmedia Library 2 (SDL2)
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NrolmodlMain namespace
 NblendModerolmodl::BlendMode methods
 NgeomGeometry structures
 CPosint point data type. The value is in pixels. Semantically different from rolmodl::geom::Size
 CRectWHRectangle represented by its top left corner coordinates, width, and height
 CRectXYRectangle represented by its top left corner coordinates and its bottom right corner coordinates
 CSizeint dimensions data type. The value is in pixels. Semantically different from rolmodl::geom::Pos
 CXYFloatsfloat point data type. Used by touch events
 CXYInt32int32 point data type. The value is in pixels. Used by mouse events
 NpixelfmtPixel format management members
 CPixelFmtStoragePixelFormat storage to avoid allocating a new instance for every use
 Nrenrolmodl::Ren -related members
 CFlagsRenderer configuration (flags) container
 CInfoInformation about a rendering driver
 NsysSystem information functions and enums
 NpwrPower state functions and enums
 CDisplayDisplay information snapshot
 CDisplayModeDisplay mode parameter plain old struct
 Nwinrolmodl::Win -related members
 CFlagsWindow configuration (flags) container
 CBorderSizesWindow decoration (border) sizes snapshot
 CDstRectWHRectangle specifying the destination rectangle for a rendering operation by its top left corner coordinates, width, and height
 CDstRectXYRectangle specifying the destination rectangle for a rendering operation by its top left and bottom right corner coordinates
 CFlipRendering flip configuration container
 CRenRenderer class that does not support rendering to texture. Use rolmodl::TexRen for rendering to texture support
 CRenScaleRendering scaling factors
 CRGBRGB color type. No alpha component
 CRGBARGBA color type. Has an alpha component
 CsdlexceptionException type containing an error code and the last SDL error at the moment of creation
 CSDLStringContainer for SDL-owned strings that must be freed with SDL_free
 CSrcRectWHRectangle specifying the source rectangle for a rendering operation by its top left corner coordinates, width, and height
 CSrcRectXYRectangle specifying the source rectangle for a rendering operation by its top left and bottom right corner coordinates
 CTexRenRenderer class that supports rendering to texture. Use rolmodl::Ren if you do not need support for rendering to texture
 CWinWindow class for use with accelerated rendering (rolmodl::Ren)
 CWin_BaseCommon window class. Use rolmodl::Win for use with accelerated rendering (rolmodl::Ren) and rolmodl::Win_SW for use with software rendering (rolmodl::SWTex)