C++ API for the Simple Directmedia Library 2 (SDL2)
▼Nrolmodl | Main namespace |
▼NblendMode | rolmodl::BlendMode methods |
▼Nevent | |
►Naudio_device | |
►Ncontroller | |
►Ndrag_n_drop | |
►Ngesture | |
►Njoystick | |
►Nkey | |
►Nmouse | |
►Ntouch | |
►Nwindow | |
CEdit | |
CQuit | |
CSystemWindow | |
CText | |
CTimestamped | |
CUser | |
CWindowSpecific | |
▼Ngeom | Geometry structures |
CPos | int point data type. The value is in pixels. Semantically different from rolmodl::geom::Size |
CRectWH | Rectangle represented by its top left corner coordinates, width, and height |
CRectXY | Rectangle represented by its top left corner coordinates and its bottom right corner coordinates |
CSize | int dimensions data type. The value is in pixels. Semantically different from rolmodl::geom::Pos |
CXYFloats | float point data type. Used by touch events |
CXYInt32 | int32 point data type. The value is in pixels. Used by mouse events |
▼Nkb | |
►Nkey | |
CState | |
▼Nmouse | |
►Ndetail | |
CBtnState | |
CCursor | |
CGlobalState | |
CState | |
▼Npixelfmt | Pixel format management members |
CPixelFmtStorage | PixelFormat storage to avoid allocating a new instance for every use |
▼Nren | rolmodl::Ren -related members |
CFlags | Renderer configuration (flags) container |
CInfo | Information about a rendering driver |
▼Nsys | System information functions and enums |
►Ndisplay | |
►Npwr | Power state functions and enums |
CDisplay | Display information snapshot |
CDisplayMode | Display mode parameter plain old struct |
▼Nwin | rolmodl::Win -related members |
CFlags | Window configuration (flags) container |
CBorderSizes | Window decoration (border) sizes snapshot |
CDstRectWH | Rectangle specifying the destination rectangle for a rendering operation by its top left corner coordinates, width, and height |
CDstRectXY | Rectangle specifying the destination rectangle for a rendering operation by its top left and bottom right corner coordinates |
CFlip | Rendering flip configuration container |
CHatState | |
CKeysym | |
CLockTex | |
CRen | Renderer class that does not support rendering to texture. Use rolmodl::TexRen for rendering to texture support |
CRenScale | Rendering scaling factors |
CRenTex | |
CRGB | RGB color type. No alpha component |
CRGBA | RGBA color type. Has an alpha component |
Csdlexception | Exception type containing an error code and the last SDL error at the moment of creation |
CSDLString | Container for SDL-owned strings that must be freed with SDL_free |
CSrcRectWH | Rectangle specifying the source rectangle for a rendering operation by its top left corner coordinates, width, and height |
CSrcRectXY | Rectangle specifying the source rectangle for a rendering operation by its top left and bottom right corner coordinates |
CStaticTex | |
CSWTex | |
CSWTex_Base | |
CSWTex_RLE | |
CSWTex_RLELock | |
CTex | |
CTexLock | |
CTexRen | Renderer class that supports rendering to texture. Use rolmodl::Ren if you do not need support for rendering to texture |
CTextureInfo | |
CWin | Window class for use with accelerated rendering (rolmodl::Ren) |
CWin_Base | Common window class. Use rolmodl::Win for use with accelerated rendering (rolmodl::Ren) and rolmodl::Win_SW for use with software rendering (rolmodl::SWTex) |
CWin_SW |