C++ API for the Simple Directmedia Library 2 (SDL2)
Classes | Namespaces | Enumerations | Functions
Ren.hpp File Reference
#include "forwarddecl/Ren.hpp"
#include "forwarddecl/Win.hpp"
#include "forwarddecl/Tex.hpp"
#include "forwarddecl/Base.hpp"
#include "Geom.hpp"
#include "PixelFmt.hpp"

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struct  rolmodl::Flip
 Rendering flip configuration container. More...
struct  rolmodl::ren::Flags
 Renderer configuration (flags) container. More...
struct  rolmodl::ren::Info
 Information about a rendering driver. More...
struct  rolmodl::RenScale
 Rendering scaling factors. More...
struct  rolmodl::SrcRectWH
 Rectangle specifying the source rectangle for a rendering operation by its top left corner coordinates, width, and height. More...
struct  rolmodl::SrcRectXY
 Rectangle specifying the source rectangle for a rendering operation by its top left and bottom right corner coordinates. More...
struct  rolmodl::DstRectWH
 Rectangle specifying the destination rectangle for a rendering operation by its top left corner coordinates, width, and height. More...
struct  rolmodl::DstRectXY
 Rectangle specifying the destination rectangle for a rendering operation by its top left and bottom right corner coordinates. More...
class  rolmodl::Ren
 Renderer class that does not support rendering to texture. Use rolmodl::TexRen for rendering to texture support. More...
class  rolmodl::TexRen
 Renderer class that supports rendering to texture. Use rolmodl::Ren if you do not need support for rendering to texture. More...


 Main namespace.
 rolmodl::BlendMode methods.
 Unsafe rolmodl::BlendMode methods.
 rolmodl::Ren -related members.
 Renderer driver information functions.


enum  rolmodl::BlendMode { rolmodl::BlendMode::none, rolmodl::BlendMode::blend, rolmodl::BlendMode::add, rolmodl::BlendMode::mod }
 Describes how colors are combined when rendering twice to the same place. More...


constexpr BlendMode rolmodl::blendMode::unsafe::fromSDLEnum (const SDL_BlendMode m) noexcept
 Convert an SDL_BlendMode value to a rolmodl::BlendMode value.
constexpr SDL_BlendMode rolmodl::blendMode::unsafe::toSDLEnum (const BlendMode m) noexcept
 Convert a rolmodl::BlendMode value to an SDL_BlendMode value.
unsigned int rolmodl::ren::driver::count ()
 Query the amount of available rendering drivers. More...
Info rolmodl::ren::driver::info (const unsigned int i)
 Query the driver info for the ith rendering driver. More...

Detailed Description

Common SDL rendering structs and support for SDL accelerated rendering.

See also

Definition in file Ren.hpp.