C++ API for the Simple Directmedia Library 2 (SDL2)
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PixelFmt.hpp File Reference
#include "forwarddecl/PixelFmt.hpp"

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class  rolmodl::pixelfmt::PixelFmtStorage
 PixelFormat storage to avoid allocating a new instance for every use. More...


 Main namespace.
 Pixel format management members.


enum  Id {
  unknown, index1lsb, index1msb, index4lsb,
  index4msb, index8, rgb332, rgb444,
  rgb555, bgr555, argb4444, rgba4444,
  abgr4444, bgra4444, argb1555, rgba5551,
  abgr1555, bgra5551, rgb565, bgr565,
  rgb24, bgr24, rgb888, rgbx8888,
  bgr888, bgrx8888, argb8888, rgba8888,
  abgr8888, bgra8888, argb2101010, yv12,
  iyuv, yuy2, uyvy, yvyu,
  nv12, nv21, rgba32, argb32,
  bgra32, abgr32
enum  Type {
  unknown, index_1, index_4, index_8,
  packed_8, packed_16, packed_32, array_u8,
  array_u16, array_u32, array_f16, array_f32
enum  Order {
  bitmap_none, bitmap_4321, bitmap_1234, packed_none,
  packed_xrgb, packed_rgbx, packed_argb, packed_rgba,
  packed_xbgr, packed_bgrx, packed_abgr, packed_bgra,
  array_none, array_rgb, array_rgba, array_argb,
  array_bgr, array_bgra, array_abgr
enum  Layout {
  none, bits_332, bits_4444, bits_1555,
  bits_5551, bits_565, bits_8888, bits_2101010,


constexpr Id rolmodl::pixelfmt::id::unsafe::fromSDLEnum (const uint32_t val) noexcept
constexpr uint32_t rolmodl::pixelfmt::id::unsafe::toSDLEnum (const Id i) noexcept
constexpr const char * rolmodl::pixelfmt::id::toString (const Id id) noexcept
constexpr unsigned int rolmodl::pixelfmt::bitSizeOf (const Id id) noexcept
constexpr unsigned int rolmodl::pixelfmt::byteSizeOf (const Id id) noexcept
constexpr bool rolmodl::pixelfmt::isIndexed (const Id id) noexcept
constexpr bool rolmodl::pixelfmt::hasAlpha (const Id id) noexcept
constexpr bool rolmodl::pixelfmt::isUnique (const Id id) noexcept
constexpr Type rolmodl::pixelfmt::type::unsafe::fromSDLEnum (const uint32_t val) noexcept
constexpr uint32_t rolmodl::pixelfmt::type::unsafe::toSDLEnum (const Type t) noexcept
constexpr Type rolmodl::pixelfmt::typeOf (const Id id) noexcept
constexpr Order rolmodl::pixelfmt::order::unsafe::fromSDLEnum (const uint32_t val) noexcept
constexpr uint32_t rolmodl::pixelfmt::order::unsafe::toSDLEnum (const Order o) noexcept
constexpr Order rolmodl::pixelfmt::orderOf (const Id id) noexcept
constexpr Layout rolmodl::pixelfmt::layout::unsafe::fromSDLEnum (const uint32_t val) noexcept
constexpr uint32_t rolmodl::pixelfmt::layout::unsafe::toSDLEnum (const Layout l) noexcept
constexpr Layout rolmodl::pixelfmt::layoutOf (const Id id) noexcept


constexpr size_t rolmodl::pixelfmt::unique_count = 48